Unser Gehirn braucht Pausen - und wie wir sie nützen
Unsere grauen Zellen müssen auch manchmal abschalten. Der Neurobiologe Yi Hong vom Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York hat das jüngst entdeckt. Sonst kann unser Gehirn gar nichts Neues richtig abspeichern.
Ja, wie soll ich mir das jetzt vorstellen? Gehirn macht Pause… Setzen sich da ein paar graue Zellen einfach so auf die nächst beste Ganglie and can swing their Zellentürchen? What I say a pair - these are of course a few hundred thousand. And the seats then so and then talk together so that just the way you chat during a break. "Did you hear the Hirnederl yesterday again requested a painkiller?" Says one of her neighbor and a blood vessel shakes, "Yes, Edward is the brain Allergic to cat. What has been disputed by the liver cells ... "
Another brain cell in turn makes on his Brotzeitkofferl and nibbled a few nuts because of the power increase Gerers choline. "What has the ever-dope ... well, since I can think it is weakening so in the data center umadum“, spötteln andere.
Jetzt stellt sich selbstverständlich die Frage, was machen wir Menschen in der Zeit, wo unsere Gehirnzellen eine Erholungspause einlegen. Ich hab dazu eine meiner Zellen befragt und die Antwort war sehr einfach.
„Für die meisten Menschen geht der Tag ganz normal weiter. Sie merken nichts. Schließlich sind sie auf hirnloses Handeln trainiert. Gerade wenn wir Gehirnzellen Pause machen, nützen viele Menschen die Zeit um sich zu vergnügen. Früher haben sie eine Runde um den Häuserblock gedreht oder im Garten Unkraut gezupft. Jetzt tun’s fernsehen oder sie steigen in ihr Auto und fahren in unserer Erholungspause irgendwo hin. Offenbar haben die Menschen Autofahren als ideale Tätigkeit . Discovered to get along without our brain cells "
since motorists now very impacted Börsel, VIFE brain cells have given their time in the people a new break fun: social networks mentioned. Facebook aka'aki, Twitter or so facilities in the Internet age, where can people in the world exchange breaks their brain cells safely and at low cost. And what
gray matter in this, their development is particularly pleasing, it does not matter if they even pause for several hours or even days in a hammock from slumber ganglia. People are fascinated by facebokk etc. so that the regeneration of brain cells not even notice .. The brain cells
abstinent condition, the more intelligible the social communication. An active moderator tomorrow then writes about several times a week only, "Am on the road to Vienna" and already at least 20 social networkers feel so inspired that they must follow can be enthusiastic comments. In order not to disturb the gray matter in their break, it means just banal in the response. "Bravo!", "Good for you!", "Good Come back!"
packed Fortunately this time, never appeared in a gray cell, the workaholic, or perhaps would read: "Are not passed," or, "When finally you will stay there? "
completely unknown back so suddenly in the center of intellectual break program. "I'm eating now," "I'm tired." Others can again share with the world their strong powers of observation "over the weekend, have to work again" "Today, again no sunshine" or.
Now you think, where you pull weeds or breaks your brain to use it for a walk, such could only affect young brain misfire. Not so!
Recently I sat in my cozy farmers in Flandorf to my cells some time out to enjoy, as a ladies round entered the locality. Active, fröhliche, putzmuntere Damen im tiefsten Mittelalter und älter. Und nachdem die Auswahl an Tortenstücken und Kaffeefarbe getroffen war, startete das der übliche Smalltalk. Oder eigentlich doch nicht.
Denn tatsächlich ging es um das Thema Austausch von E-Mail-Adressen, die Eroberung des Alltags durchs Internet und den Vorsprung der US-Amerikaner im Gebrauch dieses Mediums. Und – welcher Fortschritt etwa Facebook sei, nur leider etwas unsicher und zu wenig intim.
Meine inzwischen wieder am Arbeitsplatz erschienen grauen Zellen hat das Gespräch selbstredend sehr in Anspruch genommen. Was letztlich zu folgendem Abkommen zwischen meinem Gehirn und mir geführt hat: Soziale Netzwerke werden nur in der gehirnaktiven Zeit konsumiert, weil es da viel zu Lachen gibt. In den Ruhepausen der kleinen Denker, bleibe ich dem Computer fern.
Und daran halte ich mich: Tschüss und Servus!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Hemoglobin Sleep Apnea
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Can I Use The Sidekick With Regular Prepaid Plan
been urged lifesaving
as the red-haired brat is probably something wrong. first she hid the best friend the day before the world even socks on the street the lack of a second ...
then they missed the best friend of the world under the shower head or a nut .... then his cozy trying to interpret as a failure trial. then her rescue attempt ended with the fact that the best friend of the world with the wall on the floor was cracked ducshvorhang. To make matters worse was the red-haired brat-attack after another wrestling rip impact of falling and knocks to the best friend for a short time into the unconscious. if the rothharige göre does something, then surely right.
but - and it must be love - he dares to even find me down running stairs: D
as the red-haired brat is probably something wrong. first she hid the best friend the day before the world even socks on the street the lack of a second ...
then they missed the best friend of the world under the shower head or a nut .... then his cozy trying to interpret as a failure trial. then her rescue attempt ended with the fact that the best friend of the world with the wall on the floor was cracked ducshvorhang. To make matters worse was the red-haired brat-attack after another wrestling rip impact of falling and knocks to the best friend for a short time into the unconscious. if the rothharige göre does something, then surely right.
but - and it must be love - he dares to even find me down running stairs: D
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