Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How To Cure Butterfly Rash

Medien-Schlagzeilen, die mich bewegen

In einer Zeit, die immer schnelllebiger wird, erfassen wir ja oft nur mehr Schlaglichter, kurze Sequenzen des Alltagslebens - eben die Schlagzeilen des Erdweltenraums.
Wie schnell und daher auch chaotisch selbst die Zeit vergeht, sehen wir immer häufiger an den doch sonst so betulichen Jahreszeiten. Ein Frühling der uns z.B. schon Sommertage beschert, ein Sommer, der so schnell vergangen ist, dass ich ihn nur im spanischen Urlaub echt wahrgenommen habe und dann ein Herbst, der wahrlich prächtig ist, von dem wir aber say in retrospect to be that he was a warm winter. What will, however, perceive in reality only the skiers when they are happy in May to the first snow.
As I said, everything passes quickly outdated, often lead themselves and we are no longer to act, because then everything is already over.
typical example are the news from around the world and the house next door. Reading a newspaper is often already a waste of time, because the substance I was already hours before presented in moving pictures on TV. Now one would have formerly meant consistently, you can deepen their knowledge through reading - yes, was it not before the television all even better seen and read on the internet and now that one of the greatest tragedy after 3 repetitions just bores already, read the ultimate ultimate development in this and every case, the mobile phone.
What I tell myself these complicated facts like? I read only the headlines and I am sufficiently informed. And then when I actually find even time for rest and reflection, so you can rest in my body area, then I start the messages of madness and joy to handle and understand.

New study data confirm: Grasses tablet has sustained and improved food and Schlafqualitä t
bad. To be honest, I am ashamed this information immensely. After all, I have to admit that I have so far neither the life nor the quality of sleep made of grass thought. And why? I get up in the morning - the grass stays put. I have to drink a lot of headache - the grass grows and erschönt magnificently with every drink. And the sleep of the grass? I can not imagine that even a blade of grass at night and wake up to toilet needs.
But please, I am stupidly that, thanks to a tablet the grass now persistently better lives and sleeps.

Current TV harms children
This message is for me several times so sensational. Only the sensational, that fact has some genius developed a flat panel is not only removed as required, displaced or rotated, but also self-propelled. Model can only meals on wheels, and have been running sushi, because who wants to have running after food, it may well away stare.
stupid sensational but the sentence, a running-screen TV may harm children. Where we all know that today's generation of Lehrerquälern makes far too little exercise. And that this non-movement takes hold many hours a day in front of the TV sets. All the more praiseworthy, I think therefore, an invention that allows our kids while drinking their favorite shows to run away, the delicious burgers, fries and pizza slices. Harm to the child of such a TV only mentally, if the power goes out, the unit is and will continue to run the child out of habit. "Sch ... bye, now I'm running unnecessarily," thinks of you as a child and has long frustrated by the technology.

great spa destinations for stressed Performer: luxury vacations away from the mainstream
This page headline of the trip is a goodie for seniors. This is often called brain training pure. Only in this way can be rolled dictionaries and Alzheimer has no chance. Really full of attraction is the skillful combination of Old High German words and neuhochenglischen constructs.

Smoking causes cancer
Again's starts on the smokers. I should actually pretty cold and implanted animal rights activists are not so prudish judgments about sexual excitement of the crustaceans.

As you could read easily now, the headlines are very important for quick information. Just for processing the same information, must spend a lot of time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Newton Scooter Wheels Wheels


The Mission. The last one.
21 hours after going on the internet is still nothing.
BUT: A short ring at the door, my friend, postal Packelherold stands before it and presented me with a friendly smile consignments.
The digital world is already so much more human. The electronic notification may not be perfect - but my postman with DHL, it is!

Armour Does Subclinical

Betreutes Warten auf eine Paketsendung

Recently, the ordering of goods of all kinds by useless consumption or the Internet Hipp. So I hop into the WWW and ordered.
And on hold. If my shipment post to a customary time of day or by parcel service and surprisingly just in den 30 Minuten, in denen ich nicht anwesend bin?
Überraschung: Meine Sendung wählt den, dem fortgeschrittenen Internetzeitalter adäquaten, Weg und sendet mir eine E-Mail.
Sie hätte die Firma verlassen, befände sich auf dem Weg zur Paketstelle von DHL und ich könnte diesen, jenigen unter einer bestimmten Sendungsnummer stets mitgehen.
Oh, Segnung moderner Technik mit Code und Laserauge.
Tatsächlich bin ich dank besagter Webseite sofort umfassend in die Reise meiner Sendung zu mir involviert und beruhigt.
Obwohl für mein weiteres Lebensglück unerheblich, macht es doch gute Laune, zu wissen, dass um Mitternacht die elektronischen Sendungsdaten templates. Why, why, why - the same, for the past 15 hours and 22 minutes later, doing serious: my shipment has left the delivery point.
Now it's on my side to act quickly and get behind the door installation. Just do not miss the broadcast transmitter.
But wait. Premature fallacy. For 15 minutes later the message: The collection of the mission was successful.
Affected me no more, that my shipment took about 1 / 4 hour to reach the van. Do we park near almost never possible.
After three hours the next signal of my mission: Has worked in the outward-center package.
I'm waiting ... and
24 hours later - no coming, no going, no message. Short made a worry, then the crystal-clear idea: the weekend.
Since a program has the right to leisure. Go with a few Sendungskumpelinen a sticker Party, runs a little conveyor belt running or sees on television sack race.
All claro!
Monday. I doubt if this really is my mission. An early riser! But it was actually edited at 04:18 in the International Package station and two minutes later to transport included in the target country.
patience - itzo can take so much longer.
And really: We have 13:36 and my shipment arrived in the destination country - and not only that she left a flash in the same minute the gateway in the destination country and again.
does not seem to be very hospitable, this gateway, and invite you to stay ... But ...
Almost 20 hours later - and there is no new message, not a knock on the door ... it's time, nevertheless, once precautionary to worry?
Was the wrong destination? is my mission in the new country has lost? Was she just tired after the early awakening, and has sought a quiet place to doze appear to be in complete fresh with me?
tormenting questions. When is the answer - better the show?
One answer I would have come to mind. What is DHL? Does the suffering.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Blood Vessels Broken On Breasts

Erich Bruckberger macht’s möglich

pinto just the latest, real event message: Waris Dirie, Desert Flower uncertain age comes into Schluckspecht paradise Hagenbrunn / Vienna. Eric Bruce Berger, builder of the 7-station life path with Nachdenkeffekt, gives her there on 10 October, my way-Prei s. And 10,000 €. This is an increase in sales at Wannemacher, Christmas & Co. The Deloni Angela sings. The next day starts Film of the desert thirsting Models in theaters.

After the already assigned my way-prize winners, Herzverpflanzer Barnard and Catholics heart John Paul II, the visible occurred award-winners, Ethiopia advertisers Böhm, Sexidol Bardot, Poland hero Walesa, the unfortunately-no occurred Excellent Queen Rania and freedom fighter Nelson Mandela occurs now Waris Dirie on the stage of the Hagen Brunner Community Centre. Find out more now already on the Internet http://www.myway.at/event.htm
forward at free admission to Mayor Ernst Fischer and founder Eric Bruckberger to your appearance in the audience.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Pattern To Make Sausage Dog

Das Wandern ist der Haare Lust…

notice when I look in the mirror more often that I look into the void. Where have recently, or recently, shaded lush growth of hair, the scalp, is now suddenly as a clearing in the forest after a hurricane.
Some, apparently tired of going out hair veterans waiting, still, a kind of border post the hairline. But they also convey the impression that they would be the next haircut rather cling to the mowing blade, as I continue to decorate.
A discovery that myself in recent times sad and thoughtful agreed. Until I once took the time to concern myself not only with my decreasing head of hair, but also with its environment.
And look, there are truly and genuinely reason to rejoice. Where curls are exaggerated, perhaps, but - we lose no hair, no, they go out either.
you enjoy the surroundings, start to migrate, settle in, make a relocation to emigrate.
because with as much speed with which the hair is thinning, my beautiful, deep black, maroon and bright-white tufts of hair growing out of the nose, ears and other inaccessible areas of the body.
Apparently the tribe's hair with the decades just too stupid to be cut back perennial and grow to have. And so it is picking at some point a point where it is safe from scissors, comb and clippers. can
My job in the future, therefore, only to run social awareness so that the hair will be met by the bald head with as much pleasure as the shaggy bangs.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Dark Color Puerto Rican Babes

Was wir von Putzfrauen lernen können

This post also appears in the magazine "The Green House", September issue, # 9.09. in the "Dieter's site"

My cleaning lady (for Internetuser: myputze) ist ein Schatz. Ein echter, richtiger Schatz. Denn die Bezeichnung „Putzfrau“ ist nicht völlig korrekt. Denn als waschechte Putzfrau kennt auch meine keinen Kalender und keine Uhr.
Was dazu führt, dass sie einmal kommt, einmal nicht kommt und das dann auf jeden Fall nicht zur vereinbarten Uhrzeit. Selbstverständlich total unverschuldet und immer mit neuen katastrophalen Auslösern. In beliebiger Reihenfolge sind dann bösartige Straßenbanhfahrer, Kinder, Verwandte, die gestörte U-Bahn, das Glatteis, die Hitze, jene Objekte, an denen sich meine Putzfrau abputzt. Sohin wäre die korrekte Bezeichnung eigentlich „Abputzfrau“, aber dieser Begriff hat in den Kollektivvertrag not yet found the entrance, so we stick to a cleaning lady. In this regard, my cleaning lady, however, is an outspoken pro. Lightning fast it moves the vacuum brush over the floors, just as they would let the dust a chance. But, I asked myself, how is it possible that in weeks to use the little bag in the vacuum cleaner never full, let alone to change is full? Answer: thanks to the quick movements swirls of dust reluctantly into the air and the suction brush greedy moves into the void. Since I started my cleaning lady an hour longer occupied, my budget has increased significantly for washing and vacuum cleaner bags for the post. And I
must admit that I did with my cleaning a pearl of luck. For as I lead her stories in mind, you go and really, really bad. For example, with financial assistance from the former Yugoslavia, wherever that may be today. They make a learning, rethinking and sometimes legal proceedings necessary. Learn it means first of all the post-Yugoslavian language. Finally, the Rose of the Balkans has left her home so, to clean and to learn not a foreign language. So at the beginning of the gesture must serve to navigate the foreign Putzin by the budget. The effort is worth it, but you learn to know so the favorite deposits of domestic dust. And a knowledge that is also immediately into practice umsetzen lässt, weiß doch die neue Reinigungsbeauftragte mit dem Wort „Staub“ nichts rechtes anzufangen.
An der Stätte ihrer Geburt ist dies Sand, Mitbringsel des Windes, Anpassung der Wohnlandschaft an die Natur der Umgebung – kurzum nichts Ungewöhnliches oder gar Wegwischwerfbares. Hier ist die Rhetorik der reinheimischen Hausfrau überaus gefragt, um mit ihrer Theorie „Staub ist Gaga“ zu überzeugen. Weitere Überzeugungskraft ist dann noch notwendig, wenn es darum geht, zu erklären, dass WC-Enten nicht in der Muschel schwimmen und dann runtergespült werden, dass Glasreiniger das Geschirrspülmittel nicht ersetzen und dass Opti-Holzpflege zwar für Böden, aber nicht für Palm Room is good. Last possible strain on the nerves then provides the operating instructions of the vacuum cleaner and other household representation of the devices Ok, it's the good woman from the south do not accept the evil that they are at the sight of such a high concentration of a little frightened. Finally, it is her yes it had never crossed his mind to pass a driving test. And now this technical challenge
succeed ... I understand that such enrollments within a few weeks, mostly perfect. The honest woman out of the cheap vacation country continues to speak German and do not avoid the dust. The domestic housewife has finally learned to coordinate their crying fits and temper tantrums.
As a consolation: the budget pearls from the South also donate a lot of breaks. Several times a year to very often find funerals of dear relatives instead of at home. In large families there's always something to celebrate, from birth, wedding and holidays are invented apparently for lack of calendar. The intensive schooling their help makes it possible under all circumstances: in the absence you can replace easily!