Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How Soon To Wax Before Tan?

sweet temptation

Wer glaub Eva gab Adam damals im Paradies so 'nen schnöden Apfel, der irrt sich aber gewaltig! Mit Sicherheit gab sie ihm einen dieser süßen, schokoladigen und kalorienreichen Muffins...


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Jean-Fran Cois Millet: Angelus
few days ago I started it again. :-)

The Angelus prayer is an ancient tradition in the Catholic Church.
The Jewish tradition, prayed, even the early Christians several times a day, a tradition that was developed in the monastic movements of the Divine Office.
originated in the Middle Ages in the Latin Western Church, the Ave Maria as Marie greeting. There was at first only from the salutation of Mary by the angel Gabriel ( " Hail, full of grace, the Lord is .. With you, " Lk 1:28) and an attached beatitude The second line, asking for intercession, was added later

Francis of Assisi revered Mother of God very much and wrote himself a Marie greeting;. In his letters, he praised people who tried to do the same therein, housing to be alone for the Lord: "O how happy and blessed are those men and women when they do this and it endure, for in them the spirit of the Lord rest and he will create for them a dwelling place. ... Mothers (Christ) we are when we get him through the divine love and a pure should we take him to the world through a holy activity, the other light as a model " (Letter to the Faithful I, 7 and 10)
, and who according to conscience in our hearts and bodies.
Aleksander Gierymski: Angelus
A less known among his brothers, Benedict Sinigardi of Arezzo, presented about 1241 to Marie greeting the words "Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae (" The angel of the Lord said to Mary ") above. Thirty years later, recommended Bonaventure his brothers to greet the Mother of God three times every evening. This is the earliest mention of the Angelus. End of the 13th Century began, the Benedictines of Monte Cassino, in the morning and evening to pray at the ringing of bells that three-time Marie greeting. The evening Marie greeting by Pope John XXII. 1318 declared generally binding.

early 16th Century. had already implemented, to pray the Angelus three times daily with bells after a hundred years earlier angeesichts the Ottoman threat, the midday prayer was also prescribed.

its present form was the Angelus prayer in 1571 by Pope Pius V and was spread by Petrus Canisius in Germany.
mid-18 Century. Benedict XIV wrote for the Easter season before the Regina Coeli instead of the Angelus prayer.
Since then, no changes were made more, and Paul VI. said in 1974: "This prayer does not need reform - it has after such a long time lost none of its power and splendor, its structure is simple and borrowed from the Holy Scriptures - the historical origin reminds to pray for peace and security - in its time heading sanctifies certain extent (such as the liturgical hours of prayer) to the end of the day [...]"
as daily prayer of the Pope to the public however, it was only known through John Paul II, a young tradition, Benedict XVI. continues.

Church of San Salvador, Santa Cruz de La Palma
I guess I now tell anyone anything new, but I want the lengthy duration of this popular tradition hints that break away in the last century began . Yet this prayer is a wonderful way to spiritual welfare of the unity of the Church is to testify. And without much effort. Just because one usually has little time for lunch, how is it people took in all times. The painting shown graphically illustrate that "in life '.

I learned even more clearly that "in life ', as we 2007 La Palma during a tour of the main church of the island, were surprised by the bells. In the pews, people had gathered, and then an older woman stepped to the lectern and conducted in a typical Canarian dialect (ie, with South American intonation) a prayer. Apart from her voice and the choir of the meeting it was completely quiet in the church hall.

In that moment I was first aware that in this time zone at the same time many people in churches or on the field, on the road or at home the same words said, and continued an old tradition that their start has been made, not least by Saint Francis.

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whining? Again and again Thomas

but I read recently in Carstens Blog :
Genial: Had a nice conversation with a young person, the Fire & Flames for church and I want to enter professionally. In a few years.
Not so tingly: A lot of whining in my Google Reader - Division "Catholic" Can
I understand: So many applied and uncomprehending reviews on both sides. Much is because the positions are in stark contrast, are incompatible - A vs. not-A.

I for one am again become a Catholic because the Catholic Church is not just the world turned completely verzeitgeistet. Otherwise I would have another Christian community selected. The choice is finally big enough. I've tried it, but there were too many things that I baked and did not seem thought through.

wail, if one Tendency, which involve a secularization and Verzeitgeistung for himself, for his church and rejects the other hand, should speak up?

Dear Carsten, I fear we will soon find hardly any young people who are truly on fire for the church and also engage professional want to know perhaps even a calling, when all desire is tantamount to align internal image and external image of the church today by including secular trends and the spiritual anorexia as usual continue.

The privatization of faith is a result of the erosion of spirituality in the church - not least in academic theology.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Template Community Serviceletter

Frog Post

Meine lieben FroschforscherInnen, die Karnevalszeit is a time in which the German frogs by the hundreds crawled out of their pools come to a suitable female for mating publicly. The courtship behavior is different, except for small differences, rarely a structured procedure from

So today we deal with the more precise observation of this very amusing approach.

  • the male frog wrong in this period very often with his companions are liquid stocks (such as beer, whiskey-cola, etc.) for the game to take along
  • has the frog group that is gathered, first made a more or less skilful underlining the external benefits
  • have the frogs then arrived at a prearranged meeting point, it is first the fair distribution in inventories, which has a lightning-fast destruction of order is
Attentive observers notice during this time that the behavior of the Amphibiea changed significantly
  • the change of body language is one of the clearest signals appears adequate Female in appearance, is gesticulating wildly and the obvious advantages is faithfully recreated
  • over the next 20-30 minutes influenced the language system as much as possible so strong that the communication from the perspective of the frog much easier - ensnared female however, seems to perceive only a croak ("on Hey duuuuuuuu tooolles Kossüm hasssuuu, wisstn Bia ooodaaan Bützchen?")
  • this behavior will be duplicated by his companions, until it leads to the desired success and a whole host of union ready female frog has gathered around our group
  • the decision whether a suitable females remain under the group falls in the lips Compatibility Test

At this point send the observations, as violating other versions minors and the odd frog, because of its physical impairments, could attack personally.

is fact remains, however, the carnival is the selection large, but really bad!

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Benozzo Gozzoli: St. Thomas Aquinas
Today is the day of St. Thomas Aquinas, my very special saint. He was the first to hit me for a bridge between faith and reason, and has demonstrated that both just are not mutually exclusive, but mutually dependent. That there is a blind, irrational faith, trying to reason off, and a ebenso blinde Vernünftigkeit, die nicht (an)erkennt, dass das Tun der Vernunft, das logische Denken, letztendlich immer auf unbeweisbaren Grundannahmen basiert, weil es in jedem Gedankengebäude mindestens eine Prämisse gibt, zu der keine Schlussfolgerung hinführt, die also ein unvbeweisbares und unbelegbares Axiom, ein Postulat bleibt.

Thomas hatte bei aller Beschaulichkeit ein bewegtes Leben , wanderte durch fast ganz Europa. Er lehrte an mehreren Universitäten und schuf ein gewaltiges Œ vre an philosophischer und theologischer Literatur, bestehend aus Kommentaren zu biblischen Texten ebenso wie zu Schriften des Aristoteles und anderer Philosophen und Kirchenväter, Lehrtexten und the two systematic opera titled maiora Summa Theologica and Summa contra gentiles . But the Church owes him some of the most beautiful and profound hymns and probably also the Liturgy for the Feast of Corpus Christi, whose introduction and spread he drove for his Eucharistic piety. It was believed to have visions, and a few months before his death, it is a mystical experience that led to cease active operations vollkopmmen author. No
fifty years after his death, Thomas was canonized. Over the centuries, the use of his writings in the clerical training meant that he became the most important Doctor of the Church for the Catholic Church, was his thinking and acts today.

I have him in my latest novel also attempts to place a small monument. The reason is simple: one province to a completely dominates unproven assumption that the incompatibility between faith and reason alleged. No matter how many times refuted this claim and picked apart, is their constant repetition makes it a baleful mantra that resounds from all channels and drowned out any refutation with increasing volume.

the more important it is to celebrate this day as the commemoration of the one who is a living refutation of this false claim.

"Maximum beneficium alicui impenditur autem, si from errore ad veritatem reducatur. "(De divinis nominibus / From the divine name cap. 13 l. 4)

How Much Does It Cost To Build A B20

Just have a look

Fortunately it's over! Normality returns again! A light breakfast and I disappear into practice.
But actually I wanted to show where it comes from my comic talent:
I am the daughter of a lifetime! s are non-sweet, the two * giggle *

and sweet THANK YOU for your lovely comments on my costume * * immernochschweb, I had one extra dress underneath for just in case! : D And to dance, hug and go to the toilet, went perfectly! And the frogs I read something tonight maybe! Now I gotta go but!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lake Superior Sea Kayaking

DIY - last minute costume

"You're coming with the carnival on Saturday?"
"Yes, but I have absolutely NOTHING to wear!"
So stick women made up a paper bag, cut into holes, pulls them drübber and FEDDISCH this is last minute carnival costume! I refer Surely EVERY woman from the soul - or?

Aber morgen auf Norddeutschlands größtem Karnevals Umzug, trag ich was richtiges! Habt ein paar Tolle Tage!
HELAU und Alaaf!

Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Wear Saree Showing Boobs Vidio

to break

pushes the language of the reformers to me all the time. Apart from the ever-vaunted word" reform "to talk about the still would be, is always to" move "the speech of" breaking up ". The reformers are thinking only of the importance of" the encouragement Achens "," Start walking. "It is also the" breaking " perceived shackles summoned. Again and again, by "the rigid hierarchies," "decrepit structures," "paralyzing stasis," the speech, including that "perhaps the last chance to a departure from paralysis and resignation "playful and so will

The" reformers "see themselves in quite the succession of the Reformers of the 16th century., which now mainly as a" be interpreted liberators ", the concept of freedom is not critical-hermeneutic but purely verbal and is taken up completely naive. Because Luther wrote publications with titles like The Babylonian Captivity of the Church and The Freedom of a Christian man is automatically (and without reflection, and thus naive!) assumed that Luther meant by "imprisonment" and "freedom" is the same as Paul and as we do today. As there was no change in meaning just in abstract terms.

The dramatic rhetoric of "breaking up" but also contains a simple language component, which shows much more clearly where these reforms would - namely, to the same consequences as the Reformation of the 16th Century. a break , who is already contained in the selected term. To break with tradition. To break with Rome. " To break with the apostolic succession. To break with what the New Testament Church According. To Apostase and schism.

of theologians - that scholars in the arts - I would have expected 500 years after the Reformation more critical reflection.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Mit den Meeegaaaakrassesten Liebesgrüßen an die Topmodel-Kandidatin-Mutter!


EDIT: Ladies wer ein shirt braucht - Frau hat ja nie genug zum anziehen - Writes to me 'a line!

Crazy Sayings About Birthdays

sign of the times?

The editors of Christ in der Gegenwart nahm in der aktuellen Ausgabe die lebhaften Befreiungsbewegungen in der arabischen Welt zum Anlass, in ihrer Rubrik Der aktuelle Artikel unter dem Titel Zeichen der Zeit ein grundsätzliches Statement zu formulieren, um die Reformationsbestrebungen in der katholischen Kirche journalistisch zu unterstützen (1).

"Die schweren Unruhen in der arabischen Welt", heißt es dort, "sind auch ein Aufstand junger Leute gegen die ewige Herrschaft der alten Männer, ihrer Sippen und Erben, die bloß fortsetzen, was immer schon war."
Aha. Diejenigen, die nach Reformen rufen, sind also schon allein aus demographischen Gründen vor allem "junge Leute", die gegen eine "ewige Herrschaft der alten Männer" aufbegehren. Das Anmahnen von Reformen hat demzufolge also etwas mit Jugend(lichkeit) zu tun - also auch damit, geistig jung geblieben zu sein. Schließlich ist ja auch die Tatsache des ewigen Generationenkonflikts eine Binsenweisheit

Und weiter geht 's im folgenden Absatz: "Schon jetzt warnen weitsichtige Religionsgelehrte, dass es für den Islam höchste Zeit sei, sich Reformen zu öffnen."
Aha. Es sind die "weitsichtigen", d.h. die modernen (= die guten) unter den Islamgelehrten, die Reformen einfordern, denn schließlich ist das Anmahnen von Reformen - auch so eine Binse - stets ein Zeichen von Weitsichtigkeit.

Der Begriff führt sofort zur Überleitung: "In Lateinamerika wenden sich Scharen vom Katholizismus ab, weil er es trotz fünfhundertjähriger Dominanz nicht geschafft hat, Modernität und Fortschritt zu bringen, die der Freiheitsgeist des - calvinistischen - Protestantismus in Nordamerika bewirkte."
Aha. Der "Freiheitsgeist des - calvinistischen - Protestantismus" hat also in den USA "Modernität und Fortschritt" gebracht, während Lateinamerika rückständig blieb.

Und schon wartet die "Argumentation" übergangslos mit dem Paukenschlag auf: "Die Vorgänge im islamischen Zivilisationskreis sind auch eine ernste Warnung an Macht und Amt in der Kirche. Wer - ob aus Ängstlichkeit, Stubbornness or order will -..! Continuing reforms denied, reaps spiritual decline "
Aha Attention Attention Those who oppose reform, restricting will sweep away the story Resistance is futile

There they are again, the anxious and responsible Christians.! and Christians who can be silent out of concern for " the church" no longer the last rebel as the oppressed masses in the Arab world to the "old men, their families and heirs," the "leaden stagnation", the " self-inflicted [] immaturity "(Immanuel Holla! ;-)), the" patrarchalische [] gerontocracy "to shake.

Sounds great!

Was die Aufstände angeht, kommt die Argumentation allerdings über selektiv versammelte Massenmedien-Platitüden nicht hinaus. Was hier über die sozialen Hintergründe des Aufbegehrens abgesondert wird, zeigt jemandem, der tatsächlich Kontakte zum Muslimen und in die arabische Welt hat, allzu deutlich die Ignoranz und Borniertheit postkolonialen Denkens - insbesondere was die Haltung gegenüber " dem Islam" angeht. Flott springt der Gedanke vom als reformbedürftig definierten Islam zur als reformbedürftig definierten katholischen Kirche, bei der wir es ja auch mit einer "patriarchalischen Gerontokratie" zu tun haben, liebe "verantwortungsvolle Christinnen und Christen", nicht wahr?
believe that then clearly the "spirit of freedom - Calvinist - Protestantism" is (was not there what with the predestination ...?), not only in the Midwest of the United States encourages luxuriant, where "modernity and progress" is honored in a special way. At the same time the economic history and political development of the two continents on the particular denominational obesity is reduced, which is opportune pretty - but simply bullshit. But to realize this, we would have to know anything about American history.
(I had assumed that CiG readers and do instant liberation theology and Oscar Romero, and thus as its prerequisite the bad Amalgamation between U.S. economic interests, resulting from the "freedom of spirit of Protestantism - - Calvinist" would come, and the purely secular power interests stinking rich Latin American landowners and Politibonzen to mind - (!) But so far's reached apparently not)

Now times. butter fish, ladies and gentlemen of the CIG-editors: If you are really convinced that you have in your "recent article" formulated together or even approved, then you have just made a laughing stock - not least for the New so-called humanists and naturalists, whose most popular German representative Michael Schmidt-Salomon 2008 in a Lecture in Berlin, said: "Had all religious communities worldwide on the state of the EKD, one would probably not new atheism." (2) because at this level they are. Without any translation. After all, you have reform and reformation in your Textlein often evoked positive. And they have shown clearly that is your image of church is a historical and religious studies evaluated social phenomenon which are involved in charitable work and in leisure activities that aim with the latter should, in the here and now, a holistic well-being (= spa) of each individual to . carry

exposed really, ladies and gentlemen, have you, however, much earlier in the text: "Right now is the Al Qaeda movement, the also led by an old man is , to take power available (Note the author. Which old man have you thought since not to Karl Heinz Deschner? , Gotthold Hasenhüttl or Hans Küng ...) In the long run, however, is the demystification of current rule seems as likely capture the religious systems and undermine . "
Aha, that's what that is: The erosion of the "religious systems".

Good to know, ladies and gentlemen - for that sheds further light on their view of church. You can see clearly what happens when liturgical Experiments and the "concessions to the (recreational) needs of the people" mean that the second reading fails regularly ... ;-)

As for me the way with regard to the diagnosis of gerontocracy "suspicious though, is that CiG me almost exclusively of representatives of my parents' generation or older is recommended (please note: I was born in 1963). The advocates of the reform path and its mantra-like repeated calls are as contemporaries of the Würzburg synod that is just getting on in years as Qaddafi Revolution. One day a dashing young colonel was sweeping the "patriarchal gerontocracy" of King Idris (ie, "the old men, their families and heirs!) away. And how Gaddafi Green Book today as a fossil does, it goes nowhere with me the last four decades, as such and mantra put forward demands of organized lay Catholic and a journalist, fellow campaigners. .

1) Source: sign of the times what extent the articles represent the views of the entire editorial reflects, is not known to me, because instead of an author's name under the title "From the CIG-editor", I am of egg-unanimous opinion of rally.

2) Dr. Michael Schmidt-Salomon (Giordano Bruno Foundation): From Humanism to the new new atheism? (Paper presented at the conference "New Atheism and modern humanism," Berlin 25.04.2008)

Card Sentiments Baby Son

A small gift for the busy bee team!