Monday, March 7, 2011

How Much Is The Charriol Ring

Benozzo Gozzoli: St. Thomas Aquinas
Today is the day of St. Thomas Aquinas, my very special saint. He was the first to hit me for a bridge between faith and reason, and has demonstrated that both just are not mutually exclusive, but mutually dependent. That there is a blind, irrational faith, trying to reason off, and a ebenso blinde Vernünftigkeit, die nicht (an)erkennt, dass das Tun der Vernunft, das logische Denken, letztendlich immer auf unbeweisbaren Grundannahmen basiert, weil es in jedem Gedankengebäude mindestens eine Prämisse gibt, zu der keine Schlussfolgerung hinführt, die also ein unvbeweisbares und unbelegbares Axiom, ein Postulat bleibt.

Thomas hatte bei aller Beschaulichkeit ein bewegtes Leben , wanderte durch fast ganz Europa. Er lehrte an mehreren Universitäten und schuf ein gewaltiges Œ vre an philosophischer und theologischer Literatur, bestehend aus Kommentaren zu biblischen Texten ebenso wie zu Schriften des Aristoteles und anderer Philosophen und Kirchenväter, Lehrtexten und the two systematic opera titled maiora Summa Theologica and Summa contra gentiles . But the Church owes him some of the most beautiful and profound hymns and probably also the Liturgy for the Feast of Corpus Christi, whose introduction and spread he drove for his Eucharistic piety. It was believed to have visions, and a few months before his death, it is a mystical experience that led to cease active operations vollkopmmen author. No
fifty years after his death, Thomas was canonized. Over the centuries, the use of his writings in the clerical training meant that he became the most important Doctor of the Church for the Catholic Church, was his thinking and acts today.

I have him in my latest novel also attempts to place a small monument. The reason is simple: one province to a completely dominates unproven assumption that the incompatibility between faith and reason alleged. No matter how many times refuted this claim and picked apart, is their constant repetition makes it a baleful mantra that resounds from all channels and drowned out any refutation with increasing volume.

the more important it is to celebrate this day as the commemoration of the one who is a living refutation of this false claim.

"Maximum beneficium alicui impenditur autem, si from errore ad veritatem reducatur. "(De divinis nominibus / From the divine name cap. 13 l. 4)


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