Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crazy Sayings About Birthdays

sign of the times?

The editors of Christ in der Gegenwart nahm in der aktuellen Ausgabe die lebhaften Befreiungsbewegungen in der arabischen Welt zum Anlass, in ihrer Rubrik Der aktuelle Artikel unter dem Titel Zeichen der Zeit ein grundsätzliches Statement zu formulieren, um die Reformationsbestrebungen in der katholischen Kirche journalistisch zu unterstützen (1).

"Die schweren Unruhen in der arabischen Welt", heißt es dort, "sind auch ein Aufstand junger Leute gegen die ewige Herrschaft der alten Männer, ihrer Sippen und Erben, die bloß fortsetzen, was immer schon war."
Aha. Diejenigen, die nach Reformen rufen, sind also schon allein aus demographischen Gründen vor allem "junge Leute", die gegen eine "ewige Herrschaft der alten Männer" aufbegehren. Das Anmahnen von Reformen hat demzufolge also etwas mit Jugend(lichkeit) zu tun - also auch damit, geistig jung geblieben zu sein. Schließlich ist ja auch die Tatsache des ewigen Generationenkonflikts eine Binsenweisheit

Und weiter geht 's im folgenden Absatz: "Schon jetzt warnen weitsichtige Religionsgelehrte, dass es für den Islam höchste Zeit sei, sich Reformen zu öffnen."
Aha. Es sind die "weitsichtigen", d.h. die modernen (= die guten) unter den Islamgelehrten, die Reformen einfordern, denn schließlich ist das Anmahnen von Reformen - auch so eine Binse - stets ein Zeichen von Weitsichtigkeit.

Der Begriff führt sofort zur Überleitung: "In Lateinamerika wenden sich Scharen vom Katholizismus ab, weil er es trotz fünfhundertjähriger Dominanz nicht geschafft hat, Modernität und Fortschritt zu bringen, die der Freiheitsgeist des - calvinistischen - Protestantismus in Nordamerika bewirkte."
Aha. Der "Freiheitsgeist des - calvinistischen - Protestantismus" hat also in den USA "Modernität und Fortschritt" gebracht, während Lateinamerika rückständig blieb.

Und schon wartet die "Argumentation" übergangslos mit dem Paukenschlag auf: "Die Vorgänge im islamischen Zivilisationskreis sind auch eine ernste Warnung an Macht und Amt in der Kirche. Wer - ob aus Ängstlichkeit, Stubbornness or order will -..! Continuing reforms denied, reaps spiritual decline "
Aha Attention Attention Those who oppose reform, restricting will sweep away the story Resistance is futile

There they are again, the anxious and responsible Christians.! and Christians who can be silent out of concern for " the church" no longer the last rebel as the oppressed masses in the Arab world to the "old men, their families and heirs," the "leaden stagnation", the " self-inflicted [] immaturity "(Immanuel Holla! ;-)), the" patrarchalische [] gerontocracy "to shake.

Sounds great!

Was die Aufstände angeht, kommt die Argumentation allerdings über selektiv versammelte Massenmedien-Platitüden nicht hinaus. Was hier über die sozialen Hintergründe des Aufbegehrens abgesondert wird, zeigt jemandem, der tatsächlich Kontakte zum Muslimen und in die arabische Welt hat, allzu deutlich die Ignoranz und Borniertheit postkolonialen Denkens - insbesondere was die Haltung gegenüber " dem Islam" angeht. Flott springt der Gedanke vom als reformbedürftig definierten Islam zur als reformbedürftig definierten katholischen Kirche, bei der wir es ja auch mit einer "patriarchalischen Gerontokratie" zu tun haben, liebe "verantwortungsvolle Christinnen und Christen", nicht wahr?
believe that then clearly the "spirit of freedom - Calvinist - Protestantism" is (was not there what with the predestination ...?), not only in the Midwest of the United States encourages luxuriant, where "modernity and progress" is honored in a special way. At the same time the economic history and political development of the two continents on the particular denominational obesity is reduced, which is opportune pretty - but simply bullshit. But to realize this, we would have to know anything about American history.
(I had assumed that CiG readers and do instant liberation theology and Oscar Romero, and thus as its prerequisite the bad Amalgamation between U.S. economic interests, resulting from the "freedom of spirit of Protestantism - - Calvinist" would come, and the purely secular power interests stinking rich Latin American landowners and Politibonzen to mind - (!) But so far's reached apparently not)

Now times. butter fish, ladies and gentlemen of the CIG-editors: If you are really convinced that you have in your "recent article" formulated together or even approved, then you have just made a laughing stock - not least for the New so-called humanists and naturalists, whose most popular German representative Michael Schmidt-Salomon 2008 in a Lecture in Berlin, said: "Had all religious communities worldwide on the state of the EKD, one would probably not new atheism." (2) because at this level they are. Without any translation. After all, you have reform and reformation in your Textlein often evoked positive. And they have shown clearly that is your image of church is a historical and religious studies evaluated social phenomenon which are involved in charitable work and in leisure activities that aim with the latter should, in the here and now, a holistic well-being (= spa) of each individual to . carry

exposed really, ladies and gentlemen, have you, however, much earlier in the text: "Right now is the Al Qaeda movement, the also led by an old man is , to take power available (Note the author. Which old man have you thought since not to Karl Heinz Deschner? , Gotthold Hasenhüttl or Hans Küng ...) In the long run, however, is the demystification of current rule seems as likely capture the religious systems and undermine . "
Aha, that's what that is: The erosion of the "religious systems".

Good to know, ladies and gentlemen - for that sheds further light on their view of church. You can see clearly what happens when liturgical Experiments and the "concessions to the (recreational) needs of the people" mean that the second reading fails regularly ... ;-)

As for me the way with regard to the diagnosis of gerontocracy "suspicious though, is that CiG me almost exclusively of representatives of my parents' generation or older is recommended (please note: I was born in 1963). The advocates of the reform path and its mantra-like repeated calls are as contemporaries of the Würzburg synod that is just getting on in years as Qaddafi Revolution. One day a dashing young colonel was sweeping the "patriarchal gerontocracy" of King Idris (ie, "the old men, their families and heirs!) away. And how Gaddafi Green Book today as a fossil does, it goes nowhere with me the last four decades, as such and mantra put forward demands of organized lay Catholic and a journalist, fellow campaigners. .

1) Source: sign of the times what extent the articles represent the views of the entire editorial reflects, is not known to me, because instead of an author's name under the title "From the CIG-editor", I am of egg-unanimous opinion of rally.

2) Dr. Michael Schmidt-Salomon (Giordano Bruno Foundation): From Humanism to the new new atheism? (Paper presented at the conference "New Atheism and modern humanism," Berlin 25.04.2008)


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